Hi there!
Let me introduce myself. I’m a mixed media artist, and I work in the animation field. I graduated in 2020: Image and Media Technology at the University of Arts Utrecht, The Netherlands. I did an internship at Boulder Media in Dublin, working in the Compositing Department on Rescue Bots Academy (season 2). After my internship I helped finish up the show. I also worked on other interesting projects, like the Food Forest animation, (commissioned by Greendeal and Voedselbossen) and for True Self Academy I designed two characters.
During my studies and work experience I figured out that I really like to work in a team and create quality content together, so I aim to work in studios or bigger companies.
I love to practice my drawing skills from time to time and I find it challenging and exciting to figure out new ways to tell stories visually. My work can be serious but I like to add a bit of humor as well.