A food forest is a sustainable, plant based food production and agroforestry system . It is a prehistoric method of securing food in tropical areas. This video explains what a food forest is and how it can be a new, sustainable way of agriculture in the future. This project is commissioned by 'Green Deal Voedselbossen' and 'Voedselbosbouw'. There's a Dutch version as well as an English version.
Dutch Version
English Version
...en de mens vooral bijstuurt welke soorten planten en bomen daaraan meedoen.
...and humans mostly adjust its evolution, by determining which species of plants and trees are suitable to grow there.
Het patroon dat ervoor in de plaats kwam, lijkt voor ons vanzelfsprekend: waar de mens komt, verdwijnt het bos.
A new pattern then established itself, which for us now seems self-evident: wherever humans show up, forests disappear.
In een paar regio’s in de tropen wist de mens zijn interactie met het bos te blijven cultiveren.
In a few regions in the tropics, humans succeeded in continuing to cultivate their interaction with the forest.